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New Vision Criminal Justice (High School)

Program Description - High School


Thompson Road Campus
411 Montgomery Street, Syracuse NY
Phone:  (315) 431-8503
Melissa Muller, CTE School Counselor

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New Vision Criminal Justice is a one-year program offered to high school seniors. Located at the Onondaga County Civic Center, students study the components of law enforcement, the judiciary and correction systems, causes and prevention of crime and current topics of interest including community relations, gun control, drug enforcement, cybercrime and capital punishment. Class visitations by community and career professionals will occur in addition to internship and job shadowing opportunities. Community service projects and real-world exposure to the criminal justice system is an integral component of this career building program. Students will also fulfill their English 12, participation in government, and economics requirements toward graduation.  

Eligibility requirements: Interested students must be in their senior year of high school, in good academic standing and on target with all graduation requirements. Eligible candidates should exhibit self-motivation, enthusiasm and maturity, and must be willing to work both independently and as a team member in diverse settings.


Technical Skills
  • Observe criminal trials
  • Observe arraignments
  • Law enforcement shadowing
  • DWI Awareness
  • Community service projects
Available Academic Credits
  • 3 career studies
  • 1 English 12
  • 1/2 Participation in Government
  • 1/2 Economics
Career Opportunities 
  • ATF special agents
  • Animal cruelty investigator
  • Customs & border patrol agent
  • CIA, DEA or FBI agent
  • K-9 officer
  • Computer forensics
  • Corrections officers
  • County sheriff
  • Court reporter
  • Criminologist
  • Conservation officer
  • Deputy US marshal
  • Diplomatic security
  • Federal air marshal
  • Federal probation officer
  • Forensic science
  • Homeland security
  • ICE special agent


*Advanced Employment - additional training may be necessary
“New Vision not only prepared me for higher education and a career, it prepared me for life.” 

“New Vision is an in-depth examination of the criminal justice system. Simply stated, it cannot be replicated anywhere else!” 

“It will teach you to think critically about difficult subjects!” 

“This class will prepare you for college. Just ask a former student.” 

“It’s the real thing, from start to finish.”